News | Sep 18, 2019 (Last Updated On March 13, 2020)

Administering First Aid

Arranging student health support with parents and doctors

Individual health care planning

First Aid for administrators

The Student Health Care Guidelines: First Aid  and its appendices 1-5 contain useful information primarily for administrators.


  1. Template: First Aid Plan
  2. First Aid kit requirements
  3. First Aid room requirements
  4. Sick bays – issues for consideration
  5. Template: Record of First Aid Treatment

First Aid for teachers

Student Health Care Guidelines: First Aid, Appendix F: Responsible First Aid practices contains practical information that will be useful for teachers.

NSW Public Schools – Student Health

This NSW Department of Education website contains a wealth of information about student health.  The information can be browsed or searched.

If you are a teacher who would like more information about anything covered in the e-learning program, this is a good site to explore.

This site also contains useful guidance for administrators who need to understand legal requirements relation to student health in order to create and implement policy and procedures.

The following links provide a starting point the DEC website.

Students who need help with health issues

Health conditions, eg. asthma, diabetes etc

Administering prescription medications

Infectious diseases



Definitions relating to student medication


Public Health Act (NSW)

Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulations 2008 (NSW)

Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966 (NSW)

Links to the Anti-Discrimination; Occupational Health and Safety; Privacy and Personal Information; and Health Records and Information Privacy Acts additional policies can be found at this webpage NSW DoE web site.