CSNSW Learning and Teaching Resources
CSNSW have developed a series of resources to assist teachers with blended modes of learning. Find here a range of free resources to share with your school community.
CSNSW Learning Resources YAMMER Portal: Primary & Secondary
The CSNSW Yammer portal is a secure site where all staff in Catholic School across NSW can access teaching and learning resources developed by CSNSW, dioceses & RI/PJP schools and others. The portal has two repositories:
- Primary
- Secondary
Both portals are based on the online platform YAMMER. Staff in Catholic schools can access them via their CSNSW NETiD account following the instructions below.:
- Instructions for logging into YAMMER via NETiD
- Instructions for creating a NETiD account & logging into YAMMER
Any issues with connecting in, please contact: CSNSW APP SUPPORT
We are keen to receive any resources that staff have developed to share with colleagues across NSW, please send resources to: resources@csnsw.catholic.edu.au.
CSNSW Learning and Teaching Resources
CSNSW have developed a series of resources to assist teachers with blended modes of learning, a sample of the free resources to share with your school community are listed below and more are available on the portal for Catholic school staff to access.
- CSNSW Parent Resource Holidays at Home
- CSNSW Parent-Resource 10 tips for learning at home
- CSNSW Parent Resource Communication with teacher and school
- CSNSW Parent-Resource Conversations-with your-child-about-their-learning
- CSNSW Parent Resource Just-One-Thing-PRAY
- CSNSW Teacher-Resource-preparing-forat-home-teaching
- SAMPLE Weekly Timetable
- Teacher Accreditation Advice AITSL
Featured Resources
Every Day: english
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Every Day: maths
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Checklist for Teachers: working remotely
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Staff Wellbeing Resources
CSNSW have developed a series of resources to assist teachers with blended modes of learning, a sample of the free resources to share with your school community are listed below and more are available on the portal for Catholic school staff to access.
- CSNSW Parent Resource Holidays at Home
- CSNSW Parent-Resource 10 tips for learning at home
- CSNSW Parent Resource Communication with teacher and school
- CSNSW Parent-Resource Conversations-with your-child-about-their-learning
- CSNSW Parent Resource Just-One-Thing-PRAY
- CSNSW Teacher-Resource-preparing-forat-home-teaching
- SAMPLE Weekly Timetable
- Teacher Accreditation Advice AITSL
Other NSW Catholic Education Resource Hubs
A number of dioceses have developed local repositories for teaching and learning resources. In most instances, you will need to be a teacher in the respective diocese to access the portal.
Inter-diocesan collaborations
- National Inter-diocesan Resources List: https://wakelet.com/wake/d7730e94-2f79-4b20-aa0d-429694e7e078
- CeNET Catholic Learning Online Summit: cenet.catholic.edu.au
Individual Diocesan Portals
- Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst: Learning at Home COVID-19 Portal [Closed Portal]
- Catholic Education Diocese of Broken Bay: Staff – Home-Based Learning Portal [Closed Portal] and Parent Hub http://www.csodbb.catholic.edu.au/parenthub/Overview/251
- Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn: Remote Learning Resources https://sites.google.com/cg.catholic.edu.au/remotelearningresources/home
- Diocese of Lismore. Learning from Home. Closed Portal
- Diocese of Maitland Newcastle: Learning Continuity Resource [Closed Portal]:
- Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta: https://sites.google.com/parra.catholic.edu.au/continuityoflearning/home
- Sydney Catholic Schools: Ensuring the Continuity of Learning Portal [Closed Portal]
- Catholic of Education Diocese of Wilcannia Forbes: Learning at Home Portal [Closed Portal]
- Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong: Learning Continuity Portal https://sites.google.com/dow.catholic.edu.au/cedow-learning-continuity/home